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Circles of Collaboration - Rethinking Your Network

by Leslie Grossman & Christine Merser

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*As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.  Book is available via IngramSparks. 

We would love to virtually participate in your book club gatherings regarding this book when possible. Input from our readers is invaluable. Contact us at to check availability.

We've prepared a number of questions we welcome you to discuss with your book club. You will find them in the back of your book or download them below.

1. This book is written in first person, present tense, from Justine’s point of view. This is rarely done and sometimes frowned upon in literary circles, although some recent novels, Hunger Games and Wild, for example, are also written this way. Did you notice this difference? Would you have preferred it to be narrated in past tense?

2. The plot is moved along mainly with dialogue (internal and external) and there isn’t a lot of description. What are your thoughts on this? Do you prefer more or less description in the books you choose?


*Download the Book Club Questions Here.

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